Hosting Indonesia

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

PT EP-TEC Solutions Indonesia

PT EP-TEC Solutions Indonesia
EP-TEC Solutions Indonesia is a Joint Venture company between EP-ASIA Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) and Strategic Partner Solutions (SPS, Indonesia). With offices in Malaysia, Singapore, China, Australia and Indonesia, EP-TEC Solutions Indonesia provides specialized technology solutions for the education and enterprise sectos. We provide the latest technology for our customers to enable them to achieve the highest level of business value. For more information about our company and products, please visit
Products Executive
Jakarta – DKI Jakarta
·         To develop assigned products for specific market in order to achieve the sales target
·         To build and maintain new and/or existing customer in order to increase sales and customers loyalty
·         To carry out appropriate market, product and competitor research analysis to provide incisive input to the management team
·         To develop a knowledge on key product related areas, such as market and consumer trends and legislation and assessing their impact on the products as well as the company
·         To present our solutions to the customers and do a tight follow up to generate sales
·         To expand the current distribution channel
·         Male/Female max. 30 years old
·         Bachelor Degree from any major with minimum GPA of 3.0
·         Min. 1 year experience in Sales/Marketing in Information Technology and/or premium products with strong proven records.
·         Fluency in English both oral and written is a must
·         Able to work independently in a dynamic and high pressure environment
·         Willing to travel and have SIM A
·         Good interpersonal, communication, negotiation, presentation and strong leadership skill
·         Have a good strategic and analytical thinking skill
·         Task oriented and results driven personallity
"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "
Please send your resume / CV to :
For further information please call 021-5367 3236 ext 112

Public Relations

Posisi Public Relations


Ø  Male
Ø  Smart, good looking
Ø  Mature and attractive personality as broadminded person.
Ø  Graduated from leading University
Ø  Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
Ø  The candidate must be a strong leader, planner and organizer
Ø  Good analytical, interpersonal and communication skills
Ø  Having background in interactive marketing or public relations, Media Handling, Event Organizer, Corporate Promotion & Corporate Event

Jika ada yg berminat kirim cv dan poto ke


LoKer : Wartawan Median Online

Kami perusahaan media online terkemuka yang sudah berpengalaman hampir satu dekade ini, memberikan tantangan kepada Anda, untuk bergabung menjadi Wartawan!


  • Pria/Wanita, maks 27 tahun
  • Diutamakan belum menikah
  • D3/S1 (diutamakan S1), semua jurusan, IP min 3.0
  • Berbahasa Inggris, aktif maupun pasif
  • Sehat jasmani & rohani
  • Pekerja keras, siap dengan tugas yang menantang
  • Tidak mudah menyerah dalam situasi tekanan sekalipun
  • Aktif berorganisasi atau punya pengalaman kerja
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di mana saja.:

Silahkan kirim surat lamaran Anda beserta:
- Foto berwarna 4x6 (2 lembar) dan foto satu badan ukuran postcard (1 lembar).
- Riwayat hidup
Dan dikirim paling lambat 22 Des 2011 (cap pos) ke :
Panitia Rekrutmen Wartawan Media Online. Tulis di pojok kiri atas amplop "Wartawan Media Online".
Menara Anugrah lantai 3
Jl. Mega Kuningan lot 8.6-8.7
Jakarta - 12950 


LoKer : Public Relations, Project Officer & Telemarketing

MPRO Mediatama, Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan SDM (Seminar & Training) dan Creative Service (Design Graphic and Printing) Mengajak rekan-rekan muda yang memiliki kompetensi dibawah ini dengan usia max. 27 tahun dan berdomisili di daerah ciputat dan sekitarnya untuk bergabung menjadi:

1. Public Relations                       
  • Wanita Usia Maks. 27
  • Pendidikan Min. S1
  • Smart, Good Looking, & Good Communications
  • Aktif Berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan)
  • Berpengalaman Dalam Bidang Public Relations

2. Project Officer
  • Pendidikan Min. D3
  • Aktif Berbahasa Inggris lebih diutamakan
  • Mengenal dunia Seminar & Training
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan sangat baik
  • Mempunyai inisiatif yang tinggi
  • Berjiwa Leadership
  • Umur maksimal 27 tahun

3. Marketing dan Telemarketing     
  • Pendidikan SMA
  • Aktif Berbahasa Inggris lebih diutamakan
  • Berpengalaman sebagai Marketing lebih disukai
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan sangat baik
  • Mempunyai inisiatif yang tinggi
  • Umur maksimal 25 tahun

Jika diantara rekan-rekan ada yang berminat silahkan kirim CV ke email: dan
Paling lambat 23 Desember 2011

LoKer : Accounting

Dear femina friends,

Mungkin ada teman/saudara yang lagi cari kerja, ada lowongan nih dikantorku:

Accounting Staff (1orang) :
- Wanita
- Lulusan S1 Accounting 
- Fresh Graduate/berpengalaman
- Chinese
- Bisa komputer, internet & bhs inggris

Lamaran & CV bisa dikirim ke:


Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Vacancy: Java Application Developer & Junior Programmer



Minimum Diploma (D3)/Bachelor Degree (S1) in Information Technology / Computer Science related from reputable Indonesian / Overseas University.
Having good interpersonal skill: smart, passionate, logic, critical, excellent English proficiencies  
Have programming experiences

Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Information Technology / Computer Science related from reputable Indonesian / Overseas University.
Minimum 1 year for Junior  / 2 year for Senior of professionals experience in Web Applications using Java™ EE using IDE (Eclipse or Netbeans)
Experienced using common Java™ Application Framework such as Spring, Struts, Hibernate, etc.
Understands good Object-Oriented and/or Service-Oriented software design and methodology.
Have a strong programming and analytical skills.
Have a strong knowledge in UML modeling in a software development.

Please send your current CV and Qualification, Certification, Application Letter and Current Photograph. Please indicate the Position you apply for. Send to:  before December 20, 2011.


Sebuah perusahan Otomotive terkemuka membutuhkan orang untuk mengisi beberapa posisi berikut :

   1.  MT-After Sales (20 org)

-          Untuk menjadi Service Head (bisa 2 proyeksinya : Kepala Bengkel atau Kepala Parts)
-          Usia Max. 27 thn
-          Major : Teknik Mesin/Teknik Elektro/Teknik Industri (Reputable Univ)
-          Aktif organisasi dan berpotensi untuk jadi leader
-          Percaya diri, komunikasi kuat, dan bisa bekerja sama dalam tim
   2. MT-Communication & Culture (1org)
-          Akan in charge di area media komunikasi (program : majalah, radio, forum komunikasi, dsb) serta memegang project culture company
-          Usia Max. 27 thn
-          Major : teknik industri (reputable univ)
-          Aktif organisasi dan berpotensi untuk jadi leader
-          Percaya diri, komunikasi kuat, dan bisa bekerja sama dalam tim

3. MT-Organizational Development (1org)
-          Usia Max. 27 thn
-          Major : teknik industri (reputable univ)
-          Aktif organisasi dan berpotensi untuk jadi leader
-          Percaya diri, komunikasi kuat, dan bisa bekerja sama dalam tim

4. MT-Marketing Planning & Development (1org)
-          Usia Max. 27 thn
-          Major : teknik sipil (reputable univ)
-          Aktif organisasi dan berpotensi untuk jadi leader
-          Percaya diri, komunikasi kuat, dan bisa bekerja sama dalam tim
5. Recruitment SPV / MT-Recruitment (2org)
-          Usia Max. 30 thn untk spv dan usia max. 27 thn untk MT
-          Major : prefferable Master Degree of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
-          Experience in recruitment Area min 2-3 thn untuk spv, untuk MT boleh fresh graduate
-          Aktif organisasi dan berpotensi untuk jadi leader
-          Percaya diri, komunikasi kuat, dan bisa bekerja sama dalam tim
-          Kuat di planning dan analisa

Kirimkan lamaran anda ke