Hosting Indonesia

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Finance Staf (code: Fin)

Immediate Vacancy

We are one of the largest export-oriented Apparel companies in Indonesia. We
provide integrated services and solutions to pre-eminent customers in the US,
Western Europe and other sophisticated global markets. We own and operate
world-class factories in various locations in Java powered by 14,000 strong
workforces and by 8000 machines. Please visit our website :

To keep up with our organizational dynamics, we are looking for highly motivated
and passionate professional to fill the following positions:

Finance Staff (code: Fin)
Brief Job Description:
* Execute LC Opening, Prepare MS. Excel summary
* Administer ERP (Movex) related activities
* Coordinate with Banks, such us for LC copy, payment proof, and other
required documents

* Follow up with various departments for clarification and LC related
* Payment follow and various reconciliation

1. S1 in Finance or Accounting form reputable university with GPA minimum
3.00 out of 4.00
2. Computer literate and high level proficiency in MS Office applications
(MS Excel)
3. At least one year working experience at Finance and/or Accounting
4. Experience in LC Opening & having knowledge of LC clauses and related
issues is preffered

Job Location : Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Job Type : Permanent
Salary : Negotiable

Please send your comprehensive resume with subject code of position - your name
[e.g. Fin – Name] to the following address.

Agriculture Vacancy

PT SIMI, a foreign owned company venture in Agriculture Business specialty in Corn and Fattening Cattle looking for personnel to join our team in Gorontalo as follows:
Head of Agriculture Dept.


1. Female/Male
2. Bachelor or Master Degree in Agriculture
3. Preferably min 30 years old
4. Experience at least 5 years in Agrobusiness company
5. Preferably experience in Corn Cultivation and Livestock
6. Willing to be placed in our Plantation Site ( Gorontalo )
7. Honest, team player

Expert in Cattle Husbandry
1. Male
2. Bachelor or Master Degree in Livestock
3. Preferably min 30 years old
4. Experience at least 1 years in Livestock related industries
5. Preferably experience in Cattle Husbandry
6. Livestock marketing knowledge will be an advantage
7. Willing to be placed in our Plantation Site ( Gorontalo )
8. Honest, team player, good managerial skill & good leadership

Business Development Manager
1. Male
2. Bachelor or Master Degree in Business Management
3. Preferably min 30 years old
4. Experience at least 3 years in Agro business related industries
5. Wide connection in corn and livestock industries
6. Honest, team player, good managerial skill & good leadership

Plant Engineer
1. Male
2. Bachelor degree in Engineering (Civil/Mechanical)
3. Preferably min 30 years old
4. Experience at least 3 years in plant industries
5. Experience in mechanization will be an advantage
6. Honest, team player, good managerial skill & good leadership

Please send your complete CV and details to:
Menara BCA –Grand Indonesia, 38 th Floor, Suite 3804
Jl. MH Thamrin No.1
Jakarta 10310
E-mail :

Team Leader & Beauty Adviser

Sebuah perusahaan kosmetik membutuhkan:

1. Beauty Adviser (BA)
2. Team Leader (TL)

untuk ditempatkan di dearah terdekat dengan tempat tinggal di JABODETABEK.


1. Beauty Advisor
* Wanita minimal usia 20thn, maksimal 30thn

2.Team Leader
* Wanita usia maksimal 29thn
* Minimal SMA/ sederajat
* Berpenampilan menarik, jujur, ramah, bersemangat
* Memliki SIM C
* Pengalaman kerja minimal 1tahun posisi yang sama diutamakan

Surat Lamaran dilengkapi CV, fotocopy KTP, Transkip nilai, foto 4x6
2 lembar

Contact person : Caroline: 0819 3256 7547
yully : 021-92639799
atau 021)66677247/248

PT. RDY Sukses Mandiri
Honey Lady Tower Suite 1101, CBD Pluit
Jl. Pluit Selatan Raya No. 1 Jakarta Utara 14440

Account Officer

THE JAKARTA CONSULTING GROUP adalah sebuah perusahaan kosultan manajemen yang telah berdiri selama dua puluh lima tahun di industri sumber daya manusia.

Klien kami, sebuah Bank Nasional terkemuka, dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan kepada nasabah corporate/ commercial, membutuhkan kandidat-kandidat yang berpotensi untuk posisi sebagai berikut:


(Commercial Credit & Commercial Funding)


ü Pria/ Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun

ü D3/ S1 semua jurusan

ü Berpengalaman dari Bank/ Institusi Keuangan

ü Berpengalaman menangani kredit dengan perusahaan agrobisnis/ Oil and Gas/ Alat berat atau property atau berpengalaman dalam Marketing khususnya Corporate Funding

ü Lebih diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman menangani kredit sindikasi

ü Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun bekerja dengan target individual

ü Berpenampilan menarik

ü Fasih berbahasa inggris (lisan & tertulis)

ü Memiliki Jaringan mitra yang luas

Jika Anda tertantang untuk mengambil posisi diatas. Silakan kirim riwayat hidup & foto terbaru Anda (maks. 200 KB) ke:


Executive Search & Assessment Division

Wisma 46 Kota BNI, 32nd Floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1 Jakarta 10220

Fax. (021) 5727517 - 18


Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Vacancy at Mid Plaza Group

Mid Plaza group as our sister company is URGENTLY looking for some potential candidates for the following positions:




· 2 year experience as Room Division Manager in hotel industry

· Have strong leadership, good communication skills and assertive

· Hotel experience, have good writing skills and interpersonal skills for PR

Please submit complete CV and recent photograph to:

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Muhammad Faried | Human Resources Manager

DELONIX | Komplek Sedana, Sukaluyu Teluk Jambe, Karawang 41361, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Tel: 0267-644-370 / 71 | Fax: 0267-644-375 | Email: | Website:

Lowongan IT : Programmer Oracle

Developer Oracle (junior, Middle, Expert)

Detail Qualification :
- Lulusan IT, Usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Berpengalaman Oracle Developer 10G
- Berpengalaman min 1 thn (junior), min 3 tahun (programming, reporting, form, tuning, documentation, dll)
- Berpengalaman dengan SQL, PL/SQL Programming & Dev, database.
- Mempunyai motivasi tinggi, proaktif.
- Senang bekerja dengan team maupun sendiri.

- Kirim CV dan dokumen pendukung ( Fotocopy sertifikat/transkrip, pasphoto terbaru)

- cantumkan gaji yang di inginkan.

Kirim ke :,,

Lowongan Kerja PT. HWI

PT. Health Wealth International (HWI), sebuah perusahaan MLM asli Indonesia yang berkembang pesat , dalam rangka pengembangan bisnis di tahun 2011, kembali mengajak Putra - Putri terbaik Indonesia untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama HWI mengisi posisi :

1. Product Consultant ( Health Food , Pupuk Organik )
2. Marketing Staff ( Trainer )
3. Area Marketing Executive
4. Warehouse ( Inventory ) Staff

Persyaratan :
- Pria / Wanita
- Usia maksimal 30 th
- Pendidikan minimal D3 ( jurusan sesuai bidang yg dilamar )
- Siap bekerja dengan target & dibawah tekanan
- Siap bejekerja dengan jam kerja yang panjang
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang HWI di Indonesia
- Bersedia dinas luar kota ( inventory staff )
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun ( di bidang yang di lamar )
- Diutamakan pengalaman di MLM/Asuransi ( untuk posisi Marketing )

Kirimkan lamaran Lengkap disertai gaji yang diminta ke :
Pt. Health Wealth International
Kompleks Mangga Dua Square Blok F no 35
Jl. Gunung Sahari, Jakarta Utara 14430
Tlp. 62317900
atau email ke